
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
Ray Lokers and Alyssa Katerberg reflect on WWII
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
While standing in France at the grave of WW1 soldier Gilbert Karsten, 90 year old veteran Ray Lokers from Hamilton, Michigan reflects on his service in World War II. Two days earlier, at the American Cemetery in Normandy, France overlooking Omaha Beach, 16 year old Alyssa Katerberg shares how visiting the final resting place of over 10,000 WWII veterens has impacted her. Ray and Alyssa are the oldest and youngest travelers with the Holland American Legion Band traveling throughout Normandy, France to perform in the 65th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion ceremonies.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2009
Heading into D-Day
Tuesday Jun 09, 2009
Tuesday Jun 09, 2009
General Dwight D Eisenhower spoke to his troops on June 5, 1944 in anticipation of the largest military mobilization in the history of the world. He spoke of the skill of his troops, the nobility of their mission, and their commitment to persevere. The following morning, after the invasion was well underway, President Roosevelt paused to offer a prayer for the Allied Forces. Forty Years after the D-Day Invasion, President Ronald Reagan visited Point du Hoc and spoke about the determination and sacrifice made by the soldiers who were committed to freedom. On June 6, 2009 President Obama spoke on the steps of the memorial at the American Cemetery in Normandy, France in commemoration of the 65th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion. On June 7 and 8, 2009 the Holland American Legion Band performed a concert and participated in a wreath laying and flag waving ceremony at the Normandy American Cemetery and toured the grounds at Point du Hoc.

Sunday Jun 07, 2009
Holland American Legion Band Performs in Saint-Lo, France 06Jun09
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
The Holland American Legion Band was well received 06Jun09 at their concert in Saint-Lo, France as part of the 65th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion. Follow the Legion Band blog at www.HollandLegionBand.org. Click on the arrow below to listen to the Holland Legion Band's performance of the Star Spangled Banner.

Wednesday May 20, 2009
Tell Me A Story - 20May09
Wednesday May 20, 2009
Wednesday May 20, 2009
“No, I wouldn’t have anything interesting to say”. I’m Dave Boeve with Audio Memories and that’s what Ralph Scheirbeek said two years ago when I asked if I could record an interview with him about his days in the Dutch Resistance during World War II. I pushed him a little more for an interview but he refused… and then he shared an amazing story about how he kept a work coverall in the basket of his bicycle during World War II just in case an Allied plane went down. He told about how he’d pedal towards the plume of smoke from a downed plane in hopes of helping the pilot disappear before the German soldiers arrived. It seems normal for people to say they don’t have any interesting stories. In fact, I think some people take pride in believing their lives are boring and uneventful. I’m often invited by grown children to interview their aging parents. These children are excited to hear and preserve the stories of their parents and grandparents. So I’ll call the Story Teller, explain what their children have asked me to do, and without fail, I’ll hear: “I hope it’s not too boring for you”. I remember my Grandma saying those very words back in 1990 when I asked to interview her for a high school class assignment. How have we come to a point in society where our elders believe their lives have been boring and uninteresting? So the question is: If we’ve been trained to believe our lives are boring, how do we get the people we love to open up and share their stories? That’s why I created Audio Memories. Sitting in church one Sunday morning in the fall of 2006, I realized I saw many of the same people every week for the past 30 years and knew very little about their lives. Simply by taking the time to ask, I’ve learned that my childhood choir director doesn’t remember when she became a Christian, but she remembers exactly when she realized what it means to trust God. I’ve learned that I have been in the presence of a World War II POW who was shot down on his 13th mission and survived having his POW transport train bombed going to and from the POW camp in Poland. I’ve learned that one member stole a watermelon from their neighbors field, and still hasn’t told them 70 years later, even though they see each other in church EVERY Sunday! I’ve asked a lot of people about their lives since the morning in 2006, and I still haven’t found a person with no stories worth sharing. Here are a few reactions I’ve received from people who have asked me to record their parents or grandparents: Dave: Thanks for the CD you sent me. Marilyn and I listened to it last night. It is amazing. I learned lots of things about my dad that I never knew (like him going awol, missing in action for 60 days, etc.). Very well done. It was emotional for me to listen to it. I'm wondering if it would be possible for me to purchase 5 more CDs from you to give to my brothers and sisters and what the cost would be. It would be neat to give them one with my dad's pictures on it. –Jim Hey Dave, Thank you for interviewing my grandpa. He died last night and I’ve been listening to his interview over and over all day. Thanks for visiting with him. –Renae Thanks for sending them to us in Florida. I finished hearing the last side last night. You did a great job. I am going to want to order five more sets. – Jud Thanks, Dave. Kind of a coincidence-we had a guest minister last night, and he talked about his dad passing away about 12 years ago. He said that he has several tapes of recorded conversations with his dad that he pulls out at least once a year and listens too. You're right....this will definitely be a keepsake for my siblings and me. -Dan Whose story would you like to hear? Let me help you draw out the interesting stories of the people you love. Sometimes all it takes is for someone new to ask the questions. Please call 269-751-7017 today to discuss what stories you would like to share. Your stories will be edited and indexed before they are preserved to archive quality digital audio compact disks for you and your family to enjoy and cherish. With the Story Tellers permission, the stories can be included in the Audio Memories collection at the Joint Archives of Holland for future generations to enjoy. Call 269-751-7017 today to schedule a time of sharing. You’ll be glad you did. To hear this story and more, visit us on-line at AudioMemories.org. For Audio Memories, I’m Dave Boeve

Saturday May 09, 2009
Holland Legion Band Open Rehearsal and Poker Run
Saturday May 09, 2009
Saturday May 09, 2009
Ken Vos of Reliable Sports in Holland talks about the Poker Run planned for May 16, 2009 as a way to support the Holland Legion Band's trip to the 65th Anniversary of the D-day invasion in Normandy, France. The 40 mile bike, scooter, cycle, and minivan run will take participants through the beautiful West Michigan towns of Holland, Saugatuck, Hamilton, Zeeland, and many villages along the way. With a very reasonable entry fee of $20, each participant will receive a free ice cream at Captain Sundae and a chance to win a $200 gift certificate from Reliable Sports along with many more prizes from area bike shops and businesses. There will be prizes for the best and worst poker hand presented. For more information visit Reliable Sports in Holland. The band is also planning an Open Reheasal with a dinner and silent auction on May 14 at Holland Heights Church from 5-8pm.

Sunday May 03, 2009
Conversion by Customer - 29Apr09
Sunday May 03, 2009
Sunday May 03, 2009
Connie's dad passed out many Bibles over the years as a Gideon after being inspired by a casual comment he received from a customer at the Snack Shack in Holland, Michigan. Connie's dad enjoyed sharing his story. Have you shared yours? Share your story with your family today by calling Audio Memories at 269-751-7017 or visit Audio Memories on-line at www.AudioMemories.org.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2009
Homely Baby - 22Apr09
Wednesday Apr 29, 2009
Wednesday Apr 29, 2009
94 year-old Irene never worried about having homely babies, but she did get mad at a Chicago Streetcar conductor for eating her bag of cookies! Hear more Audio Memories at www.AudioMemories.org.

Saturday Apr 25, 2009
Holland Legion Band Members - 13Apr09
Saturday Apr 25, 2009
Saturday Apr 25, 2009
Viv Hoogland was encouraged to join the Holland Legion Band by long time member, Vic Kleinheksel. With plans to travel to Normandy, France with the American Legion Band from Holland, Michigan, Viv is the only performing member that actually remembers D-Day!
Vic Kleinheksel has played Taps for his family's funeral business since the age of 12. He even played for funerals of fallen World War II soldiers. Vic has only missed marching in the Holland Tulip Time Saturday Parade twice in over 50 years.
For more information about the Holland American Legion Band and their trip to Normandy, France for the 65th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion, vist www.HollandLegionBand.org.
Hear more Audio Memories at www.AudioMemories.org.

Monday Apr 13, 2009
Twister - 6Apr09
Monday Apr 13, 2009
Monday Apr 13, 2009
Taken from the very first Audio Memories recording, my own grandma shares her memories of two tornados in West Michigan.
In 1965 Grandpa and Grandma's barn roof was destroyed in Overisel, Michigan. Minor damage compared to other areas that Sunday eveing.
Details on Bill Steffen's blog from WoodTV.com: http://live8.com/blogs/blogs-post.php?id=10152
Grandma shares how she was nearly hit by a flying 2x4 during a storm nine years earlier in 1956 that produced the highest wind speed on the face of the earth with an F5 tornado.
Read all about it at Bill Steffen's blog from WoodTV.com: http://blogs.woodtv.com/2009/04/03/hudsonville-standale-tornado/
Share your stories: www.AudioMemories.org
Hear the Audio Memories podcast every Monday afternoon at 2pm on 1260AM The Pledge www.wpnw.com.

Saturday Apr 04, 2009
Changing Labels - 30 Mar 09
Saturday Apr 04, 2009
Saturday Apr 04, 2009
Holland American Legion Band member, Ralph Houston, remembers German Prisoners of War in Holland, MI.
Didn't know there was a POW camp in Allegan? Follow this link to see a picture of the German POW, Gerd Linderman, referenced by Ralph Houston: Camp Allegan
Gerd Linderman, a former POW at the Lake Allegan prisoner of war camp, spoke of his experiences during World War II at the camp at the unveiling ceremony for the Heritage Trail interpretive sign on the camp’s former site Aug. 20. (Photo by Sara Ramaker)
Share your stories: www.AudioMemories.org
Hear the Audio Memories podcast every Monday afternoon at 2pm on 1260AM The Pledge www.wpnw.com.